Saturday 30 May 2009

During the ages of three to six years, children learn and aquire important social skills and values which
will shape the person they become. Television is a part of many children‘s live and we know that
.early childhood television viewing experiences have long term implicatios for children‘s development
.The hidden effects of Tv are real risks for emotional, social and cognative deficits
children spend more time watching Tv than any other single activity during the hight of the most critical period
for language and cognitive development. In many homes,Tv is curtailing the role of free play as aformative
.activity of early childhood .

By: Maha khalaf

Sunday 24 May 2009

Also What You Can Do?
* Know what your child watches.
*Discuss the difference between and reality Fantasy
* Set a good example.
By: Reehab

What You Can Do?

* Set limits on TV viewing.

* Offer other alternatives to TV.

* Decide on specific programs.

* Limit the amount of violence/discuss violence.

By: Fouziah

The Good Things About Television.
# Exposure to different cultural
# Awareness of current events
or news.
# Quality shows can teach
important values and lessons.
# Spend time together.
By: Maryam

*98 percent of all American households own at least one television.

* The average child today will have watched an estimated 7 to 10
years of television by the time they are 70 years old.
By: Maha

Statistics on television viewing
*Children spend more time watching TV than most other activities.
* Children watch an average of 19 hours, 40 minutes of television per week.
* Time per week most parents spend in meaningful conversation with their children is 38.5 minutes.
* The average child sees more then 20,000 commercials per year.
By: Khlowd